Trends in Medical Field

With the quick grow of technology, the field of medicine is one of the highest growth industries in the entire world. The medical field or healthcare industry is going through, to improve for the medical care. Wearable tracking device, smart technology, putting patience first and Artificial Intelligence are examples of the trends in the medical field.
According to Crawford (2018) as a result, a wide range of robots are being developed to serve in a variety of roles within the medical environment. One of the robots that they are using is Surgical assistants, these remote-controlled robots assist surgeons with performing operations, typically minimally invasive procedures. Robots assist in a surgery, instead of a patient having a large portion of the body to be cut, the cut would be size of a tube, because of the help of a robot (How are robots changing healthcare, n.d.) Other hospitals are using robots to monitor a patient without a human supervising in the room. With the help of a robot, it lessens the man-power to take in charge in the hospital.
According to Meyer (n.d.), today, healthcare is more consumer-oriented than before. Patients can compare doctors and hospitals as easily as they can browse through restaurants on Yelp. This trend has caused everyone in the industry to up their game. It is more convenient to the patients who are ill.
One example is the wearable tracking device according to Brown(n.d.). Wearing the wearable tracking device monitor the physical activity, sleep patterns, calorie consumption and vitals of a person. It helps the person, to be aware of what he/she is engaging in. It let also the person to be conscious on health affairs. According to the top 10 healthcare wearables for a healthy lifestyle(2016), the “gymwatch fitness tracker” helps for exercising in the most effective way possible. It was explained on the article that this wearable device would be like a personal coach or professional performance diagnostician. It is built for the gym, specifically for the people who wants to have a gym body. It helps for building muscles and makes sure to complete the exercise properly.
Another trend is about the hospitals using a smart technology according to Morgan (2018), In this smart technology used by hospitals, it helps to give an efficient comfort and care to the patients. Hospitals are already using a smart-bed that could adjust into the comfort preferences of a patient. The smart-bed is called “rest bed”. The mattress can read the body position and pressure level and it automatically adjusts to make a responsive calibration to improve support and spinal alignment. It is also has a customizable pressure-relief that it can make a personal adjustments to make the body comfortable as explained from introducing truly smart bed technology: The reST bed(2018). The trends of medicine now a days have been evolving for improvements for the society as well to the economy. Some are on the increasing rate of people who are ill, others have the technological advancements on medical field that helps people to be aware on their health and gives extra care. Trends on medicine help people to be updated on what is happening to the world of medicine and to understand the evolution inside of it. As wells as that it gives more care for the people.

Personal Alarm

Crime prevention is everyones concern. One of the most outgrowing issue in the Philippines is crime and rape cases. Once a person is out in the house, there is no assurance of safety anymore, danger could be anywhere. That is why, safety must to be prioritized, because accident and crime is inevitable and people should be prepared all the time. “Personal alarm” is a proposal project to lessen crime rates, for security purposes and for self defense.
The personal alarm is already an existing product from SABRE, it is already having the specs that is extremely loud and in keychain size. The product will be improved and innovated for further improvements and uses. The personal alarm has “find me” function, it uses GPS and sends Google map links for location. There would be a flashlight in it and a mini swift knife. Once the button is pressed, it alarms the nearest police station and contacts the family or friends that are connected to the personal alarm.
The increasing number of crime and rape cases in the Philippines, is the reason why people should be prepared and aware all the time. Especially to the people who go home late since danger is everywhere, the personal alarm keychain is for security purposes.
The personal alarm keychain would help to lessen crime. There is an increasing number of crime cases in the Philippines, especially in Metro Manila. According to Macapagal (2018), crime against persons like homicide, physical injuries, and rape also went down, except for murder which saw an increase of 19,210 or 1.50 percent during the last two years. With the said current issue, the help of personal alarm keychain that has a feature of “find me” function, it would notify the nearest police station and to the people who are connected to the personal alarm keychain. The GPS would show specific location of the alarm.
The police would surely take time to arrive at the location of the person in danger. That is why there is a mini swift knife attached to the personal alarm keychain, in case of an attempt attack of the suspect. The swift knife will serve as a self defense of the person. The flashlight attached to the personal alarm would serve as light used for night time. Especially to the night duty personnel, it would be used to light their paths.
A personal alarm is a useful device that would help in emergency situations. People need to be able to call for help and the personal alarm will benefit all the people, especially to the people who go home late. It is very beneficial for people who live by themselves, like the senior citizens and those who have problems with mobility.

Beautiful Ugly

What is ugly? What is beauty? Is ugly really that bad? Is beauty really that good? Why does everyone is conscious when it comes to physical beauty? Why does people prefer beauty than ugly? Why is the presence of beauty and ugly creates diversity instead of unity? Is it because they are opposite, or it does really need diversity because ugly and beauty are different?
Ugly from the merriam-webster (2018) dictionary means to an unpleasant to look at: not pretty or attractive, unpleasant to hear, and offensive or disgusting. When a person utters ugly word towards another person, it would make him feel hideous. He would see himself ugly and sees other person as a standard of beauty. Just like on the movie Beauty and the Beast, the beast is ugly and it scares Bela. That relates to our society that we are avoiding or judging ugly people because of their physical appearances. The Ugly duckling where her mother does not accept that she has an ugly daughter and as well as to the other siblings that they criticize the ugly duckling and with that, the ugly duckling feels sad and out cast. In our society this includes with friends, family as well, we are judging people with their differences not knowingly that they are getting hurt. Even if it expressed through jokes, no one knows if that person got hurt. No one knows what the other person is thinking and what he feels about it. The song pretty’s on the inside covered by Chloe Adams, from the very first of the stanza of the song expresses her jealousy to the girls on the magazine, she is not confident with herself that she wants to be like the girls on the magazine. Teens prefer to be look good to stand out, they try to go on diet, or apply make up in order to achieve their desires of beauty.
I for one also doubted myself, about being ugly. Why? It is because I already experienced being insulted because of what I look like. Feeling ugly really does not help you to succeed and as well it is like an illness that will ruin you silently. Even though I experience such thing, family really does help to conquer those quests. Jarrid Wilson says that God sees all the ugly pieces of your life and still chooses to love you. Ugly is either in physical, mental, did and everything but still God chooses us to love us.
Beauty is a fundamental esthetic value, it has different meaning and cannot be defined easily by a dictionary. From the merriam-webster dictionary it is defined as the quality of being physically attractive and the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind. Individual has their own judgment to beauty. One might say that, that thing is beautiful but others might find it as ugly. Beauty is easily appreciated or recognized at first. Beauty gives pleasure to a person that is why when you are beautiful, you are easily appreciated and recognized. Being beautiful gives an advantage to a person which is 1Peter 3:4 says, ‘True beauty begins inside”. Beauty does not only mean physically but there is also an inner beauty that is not easily recognized by everyone. It is only seen when you see it closely or deeply. Beauty is also appreciated physically, mentally and by did.
Another example for this situation is a butterfly. A butterfly starts from being a caterpillar that is not being recognized or appreciated by us people. Until it becomes pupa and becomes a beautiful butterfly that every people appreciates its beauty.
Beauty and ugly implies with each other because without ugly, you cannot appreciate what beauty is, or vice versa. Relate it to the song pretty’s on the inside covered by Chloe Adams, yes indeed that pretty is on the inside. And it is an important thing in life. From the movie Beauty and the Beast, the beast showed his kindness and love towards Bela that is why the beast has a beauty in his inside. At the end of the story, the beast turned into a handsome prince. The Ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan, that gives a lesson which even though you are having ugly situation, at the end she became a beautiful swan. Relate it to life, at the end their will be a good thing that is going to happen.
Ugly does not define beauty but it redirects us to appreciate what beauty really is. As what Confucius says that, “Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.” We are easily being swayed away by one ugly situation and generalize it as ugly, not knowing that there is beauty from it. From the quotes of Confucius there is really beauty in everything, even if you fine it ugly, some people say it as beautiful. “There is no real beauty without some slight imperfection,” by James Salter. This explains that ugly contributes to beauty because there is no such thing as perfection. We cannot appreciate a beauty unless ugly comes in. With a slight imperfection you learn to appreciate the beauty in every little thing. But when ugly is the one that conquering your mind believe in Romans 12:18, it says that “Look for and see the beauty in everyone.” and as well to Psalm 139:14, says “You are beautiful for you are wonderfully made.” Though ugly things happen to life let us not forget that we must see the beauty in each of it.
Ugly is the opposite of beauty which you cannot appreciate beauty if there is no ugly. Physically ugly does not define ugly as is. Beautiful in outside does not also defines what truly beautiful is. That is why no one can provoke what beauty is because it is in the person how can he or she define what beauty and ugly are. Ugly indeed is easily judged by a judgmental people but beauty is truly appreciated by seeing it deeply.
All things have beauty, whether you like it or not. Either you feel down because of the ugly experiences, ugly face, ugly body or anything that make you feel ugly, there is beauty in it. For “ugly” is just a word that challenges you, it is in your insights and in your heart what truly beauty is. It is in you, inside of you the true beauty of everything. It is because God created all things in his image and likeness, thus everything is beautiful.

You are beautiful!